Serving for the sake of it.



Excuse our mess as we work on our website…

Outreach25 is a Christian faith-based non-profit located in Maryville, TN, and we are currently applying for our 501(c)(3) exemption with the IRS. We fully expect to be approved for our full tax exemption early in Q2 of 2024. Our outreach is built on Matthew 25: 31-46.  Jesus commands His beloved to minister to the very least of these – the orphans, the poor, the widows, those in great despair. Our goal is to take Jesus out of the church pew where he’s often left until the following Sunday and into the streets so He can lead the way and we can be His hands and feet to those in need.  We are not tied to any denomination or dogma – just Christians longing to be known by our love.

Our Mission

To serve people in the greatest of need in physical, financial, spiritual and emotional capacities with a special focus on families with  critically sick/injured, disabled, or terminal relatives, especially children.

To help other non-profit outreach ministries raise funds for their missions that are in-line with our primary goal.

Board of Directors

We are currently assembling our Board of Directors and are seeking resumes for the following positions. As we spin up the organization, these roles will be part time and non-paid until we can establish operational funding.  Our goal is for these positions to be full-time, paid positions with reasonable salaries and benefits. We believe the right people will work with us and grow for the mission we are supporting. Although we would prefer you be local to East Tennessee, we will consider any individual with the right qualifications because we value people over locations. ALL board seats are voting positions.

Officers of the Board

Seated Board Members

Open Seats

Feel free to submit your resume to in pdf format. Please make sure to include the board position in which you are interested.


We are currently designing and selling T-shirts and other items through CafePress.  You can buy online here.

Help us fund operations as we gear up:

Donate by check:

PO BOX 4364
Maryville TN 37802

Copyright 2024. Outreach25. All Rights Reserved.
Outreach25 is a registered non-profit under EIN 99-1833485.