Marissa Tull Hand-up Fund

Someone in our community needs a hand-up! We need people to stand in the gap with us and help her out.

In Matthew 25, Jesus states that we are to help those in need. He didn’t include any “but, or, and, if, then” type clauses. We all need help sometimes because life is tough. While your prayers and good thoughts are welcome and encouraged, Christians are supposed to be people of action. Marissa is out of a job and down on her luck. Donations will be tax-deductible back to our charter date of 3/14/2024 and you will receive a tax letter for your kind donation once we receive the 501c3 status for the non-profit corporation. Our company EIN is 99-1833485 and you may search for us (type in outreach25 for the search name) on the state website located here.

Her immediate need is money to pay the power bills and the minimum goal is $215. Outreach25 does keep an admin fee of 2% to help keep our lights on but employees are paid outside of campaign donations through other means. Our target of $215 allows us to provide the $210 she needs. Funds collected above this amount will be used for other needs she may have and we will update the public in full transparency.

This isn’t like GoFundMe.We don’t raise funds to launch businesses or start garage bands. We will pay out in a grant for this specific purpose stated above. Provided that she use the funds as outlined in the grant, she should not be taxed on the proceeds by the IRS.

Please consider donating what you can. It may be a warmer right now but we all know the cold is coming back.

Kindness isn’t exclusive to Christians. Regardless of your background or beliefs, please consider standing with us and lending a hand up to someone in our community. The world needs more kindness and service.


Amount Raised: $25.00

Inactive Reason: need funded in full with Good Neighbors of Blount County

Disposition of raised funds: TBD